About Us

Discover A Better Platform To Shopping Online

Founded in 2016, we’re committed to sourcing valuable new, overstock, and pre-owned merchandises provides you with quality great products at unbelievable bargain prices.

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Happy Customers

Our Vision...

We envision a world in which everyone should have access to more affordable and reliable technology to better our lifes, the more we can spread happiness through a better every day.

We’re a group of creatives, and entrepreneurs who pursue everyday challenges that people can rely on.

Our Mission...

We work hand-in-hand with industry leading marketplaces and vendors to find valuable products and bring significant savings to our customers.  All products are guarantee genuine and offer for up to 70% less than brand new.
According to a report by the Consumer Electronics Association, the average American household uses about 28 electronic products such as personal computers, mobile phones, televisions and electronic readers.
EPA estimated Waste and Recycling show that Americans generated 2.7 million tons of consumer electronics goods in 2018, thanks to you these products have a second life and reduce e-waste.
Thank you for supporting us and make our environment a better place!